“It is possible to be in love with you just because of who you are.” ― Maggie Stiefvater, Shiver

Plot Diagram

Plot Diagram

  1.   Exposition/Introduction
  • " I remember lying the snow, a small red spot of warm going cold, surrounded by wolves."
  • When Grace was little, the wolves dragged her from her backyard and attacked her. One of the wolves saved her and carried her back home. Even though she had been bitten, she didn't become one of them. She didn't become a werewolf.

     2.   Rising Action
  • Sam watches Grace from the forest while he is a wolf and Grace watches him from her backyard. He is only there in the winter, not during the summer. Eventually, they fall in love.
  • One day,  a boy named Jack gets taken by the wolves and his father organizes a hunting party to hunt down all the wolves.
  • Sam gets shot and becomes human so he goes to Grace for the first time.
  • Even though it is almost winter, Sam stays human because he does not want to leave Grace.
  • They spend lots of time together and fall deeply in love .
  • It is Sam's last year before he becomes a wolf forever but they don't want to be apart. They must keep Sam away from the cold of winter (which is what changes him into a wolf) to help him stay human for a as long as they can.
  • Jack's sister, Isabelle, and Grace's friend, Olivia, eventually find out about the werewolves even though it is supposed to be a secret.
  • Beck, Sam's wolf father, had to recruit new wolves by biting them and Sam gets mad.
  • Jack is determined to find a cure for being a werewolf and is convinced that Grace knows the answer since she is the only one who didn't change when she was bitten.
  • Jack and Sam get into a fight over it and Jack locks Sam in a shed outside that is very cold.

    3.   Climax
  • "He bowed his head and I watched his shoulders ripple and shake, watched the silent agony of the change until that one soft, awful cry, just when he lost himself."
  • The cold forces Sam to change back into a wolf for the very last time. He will never be a human again.
   4.    Falling Action
  • Grace and Sam mourn that they will never see each other again.
  • Grace remembers that when she was little, her parents forgot her in the car and she almost died from the heat. She thought that the cure might be to kill the wolf with heat on the inside, like a fever.
  • Grace tells Beck her idea for the cure and they think it might work. So Isabelle, who's mom works at the clinic, steals three samples of blood from a patient there with meningitis.
  • They try to infect Jack, Sam, and Olivia.Olivia is too scared but Jack gets the full needle. Sam is already a wolf so he forces himself to become human but only long enough for them to give him half the sample.
  • Olivia changes for the winter and Jack unfortunately dies from the fever. Sam has disappeared and the assume that he has died form it as well.

   5.    Resolution/Conclusion
  • Sam comes back to Grace's house later and he is human and has been cured.
  • "She could've looked at the tiny miracle's in front of her: my feet, my hands, my fingers, the shape of my shoulders underneath my jacket, my human body, but she only looked at my eyes. The wind whipped again, throught the trees, but it had no power over me. The cold bit at my fingers, but they stayed fingers."

the story continues with the sequel, Linger


  1. This could be enjoyed by anyone...well if you are mature enough. I am in 6th grade and really enjoy this story and that is why i decided to do a book report on it. :)

    1. it was ok...im 16 and i still found it boring

  2. this story was boring i read it and hated it. This is my cheat sheet for my book report.

  3. I hate this book. Boring and Boring I am 69 years old and I love reading but this!!!!!!!!

  4. the book was ok i mean it was kind of boring but ehh.... i wouldn't recommend it


  6. the boom was ok i kind of enjoyed it

  7. It was fine I have to admit, But most of the parts I got bored. If I have to rate this I would rate it 2.

